Charles Negre

Geboren im Osten von Frankreich lockte die renommierte ECAL Charles Negre für sein Fotografie-Studium in die Schweiz, wo er heute selber unterrichtet. Seit seinem Abschluss lebt er in Paris, wo er schon kurz nach seiner Ankunft die Aufmerksamkeit der Modeszene auf sich zog. In seinen Arbeiten spielt er mit der Permeabilität zwischen Kunst und Kommerz und testet die kommerziellen Grenzen. Seine sanfte und dennoch kraftvolle Ästhetik und seine kunstvolle Herangehensweise zur Fotografie verkörpern den heutigen Zeitgeist.

Kunden: Hermès , Sport et Style , Issey Miyake , Cartiert , A Magazine by Eckhaus Latta , Louis Vuitton , Harper’s Bazaar , Moncler , BOLERO , Cassina , Vanity Fair , Nike , Aesop , Dunhill , l’Express


Born in the East of France Charles Negre moved to Switzerland for his studies in photography at the renowned ECAL, where he teaches today. Since he has returned to Paris and immediately caught the attention of the fashion scene. Working simultaneously as an artist and commercial photographer, his work focuses on the permeability between commissioned images and self-initiated pieces. The struggle for seduction in imagery is essential to him, using mechanisms of an image to create a subtle balance, flirting with this contrast of commercial boundaries.

The irony of advertised aesthetics that surround us is part of an ordinary practice to him; self-awareness with a critical eye is a crucial aspect. This inner dialogue or rather dilemma, is relevant in his work. His gentle yet powerful approach to photography perfectly embody today’s zeitgeist.

Client List: Hermès , Sport et Style , Issey Miyake , Cartiert , A Magazine by Eckhaus Latta , Louis Vuitton , Harper’s Bazaar , Moncler , BOLERO , Cassina , Vanity Fair , Nike , Aesop , Dunhill , l’Express


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